Testosterone - The Hormone That Makes Men a Man!

 Testasterone is a sex hormone found in men (also in women but at lower levels) that is responsible for reproductive and sexual development. Essentially, this is the chemical that is considered to make a man “a man”. In addition, Testasterone is said to regulate a number of functions besides sperm production, i.e. fat distribution, sex drive, production of red blood cells, increase in bone mass, strength of muscles and increase in muscle size. 


Conversely, low levels of it can apparently result to loss of muscles mass, unhealthy weight gain, moodiness, skin alteration, fatigue, hair loss, low semen volume, reduced intellectual power and diminished libido and many more. Although aging is said to be the number one cause of low Testasterone, there are other common causes; poor diet and lifestyle of course being the main ones. So, is this condition treatable naturally? 

Yes! In fact, if this is one of the major questions running through your mind right now, then you need to stick around and pay extra attention to this article because you will get all the information you need on how you can naturally gain your mannish effigy.

According to researchers, a healthy and normal male should have between 270 to 1,070 nanograms of Testasterone per deciliter. Anything short of that, will definitely suggest seeking for help from somewhere. Intrinsically, most people are quick to rush to hospitals or chemists for fear of a worse scenario. But is this really necessary? 

Well! Not at all; but no pointing fingers at anyone because most guys are totally clueless on how they can improve their Testasterone naturally. So, without any further ado, let us get straight to the point and learn about this indubitable way known as TestShock.

How to build testosterone 2

If you are among those who have come across this word for the first time, here is a brief introduction. TestShock is essentially a program that provides a simple and basic training, lifestyle and nutritional protocols to boost up your Testasterone levels naturally in the shortest time possible. 

This program was launched by none other than Christopher Walker who had his own personal experience having increased his Testasterone levels overwhelmingly from 11 nanograms to 1192 nanograms per deciliter. This is why he considers this program a blueprint to incredibly boosting Testasterone levels without using any medications, drugs or gels.

By now you must be extremely eager to know how this program works; very easy and straightforward. All you have to do is use select the version that suits your preferences among the following three programs.

The Lite edition

In essence, he Lite edition is the most basic one and it is for those folks who do not wish to spend a lot of cash on the program. In this case, you can access an eBook that contains not less than 140 pages of supportive information that will give you a head start on what to do and what not to do. Nevertheless, don’t be naive to think that this program is not effective because it’s cheap; it is remarkably workable as long as you follow the guidelines carefully.

The black edition

In real sense this is indeed the version where you will find all the help you need in boosting the levels of your Testasterone. First, you will have unlimited access to the entire eBook program which contains 264 pages. In addition, you will be eligible to access a comprehensive interview concerning the effects of supplements on the Testasterone levels, a six month training program that aims at taking you through the entire process of managing your T levels, 4 weekly meal plans that will not only help you manage your menu; it will also give you details on the right food to eat and finally, you will have absolute go-ahead on special topics and subject that relates to men’s health for instance baldness and how to carry out a cheap Testasterone level check.

The Deluxe edition

Well! Well! This is the mother of them all. This program is for men who wish to acquire comprehensive information on what the author has to say about the T levels condition and how to boost it. This means that on top of getting everything that the black edition offers, you as well get an audio book (typically running for three hours) that ensures you thoroughly understand the content of the eBook, sample recipes and entirely every detail “up to the last bit” that will assist in boosting your T levels. If you are interested, you can as well receive a coupon that will go a long way in assisting you save on other fitness products.


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